London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Knowing your Dog Breeds - An Open Letter

To the nasty gentleman in the dog park who pointed at my dog and said, "I don't like them. They're bred for fighting. I don't trust them." :

Jabba is an English Bulldog. Not a pit bull. Not a rottweiler. An English Bulldog.

While it's true that at one time the English Bulldog was bred for the sport of "bullbaiting," and so, technically, you could say that it was bred for fighting, this was in the 1600s. The sport was outlawed in 1837, and the bulldog hasn't been bred for that purpose since. They did try to get English Bulldogs to fight other dogs, but they failed because the breed was far too lazy. For the last 200 years or so, English Bulldogs have been bred for showing, which has made the bulldog incapable of fighting bulls or much else, as its muzzle is now too short to grip an opponent's neck, and it cannot get into the necessary state of physical fitness [see "lazy"].

I can appreciate all of the reasons people are against breeding for show, but none of these is violence- or fighting-related. They are all based on concern for the wellbeing of the dog. In the case of English Bulldogs, people are worried that the head size can cause difficulty in whelping, and that inbreeding makes them prone to breathing and hip problems. Fair enough--if you want to take me to task for owning a (rescued, by the way) pedigreed dog, we can discuss it, but it's not my dog's fault, so maybe you should consider directing your mean little pointy finger at me and leaving Jabba alone.

Incidentally, if we're going back hundreds of years, what do you think your Labrador Retriever was originally bred for? Retrieving flowers? Cookies? Lost keys? If we need be concerned that my dog might attack any nearby bulls, we need also ensure that you don't let your dog around babies, as it might mistake them for pheasants and run off with them.

If you are going to be nasty to pet owners about their choice of pet, please get to know your dog breeds a bit better so you can more effectively direct your pointing finger. While English Bulldogs do have a reputation, it is not for violence. It is for napping and farting.

If you were to say that you don't trust my dog not to make bad smells after she's eaten turkey, I'd be behind you all the way. She has, on occasion, been responsible for an odour so foul that she had to leave the room herself. She also cannot be entirely trusted around cheese. Additionally, in the presence of bacon she has been known to attempt to look both mournful and underfed. But violence? Attacking almost anything would be out of the question, as it would require getting up off of the couch.

While it is true that her squishy face might make her appear to be scary, she is, in fact, a coward. I am unafraid to write that, because she can't read, and so writing it is unlikely to hurt her tiny little doggie feelings. But it's true. A partial list of things that terrify Jabba is as follows:

The cygnet in the park. Yes, that's right, my dog is afraid of BABY SWANS.
The hoover.
The broom.
The paper Chinese lantern in the dining room.
Carrier bags.

All of these things have at one time or another caused her to hide behind my legs or on the back porch until the scary monster is gone.

So the next time you decide to get all pointy in the dog park, I suggest you actually do some research on the breed first. However, it might be easier and more pleasant for everyone if you just to follow my dog's lead and be less confrontational and spend more time napping on the couch.


What to do, what to do?

There are two people who regularly email me, thinking that they are writing someone else, but they have somehow gotten my email address by mistake.

I have repeatedly written both of them to let them know that they are making this mistake.

The problem is that one of them obviously has an unrequited love for the person he thinks he is writing, so he keeps sending me these heartfelt missives full of VERY personal details about his life and his feelings and (what he obviously thinks is) veiled hints at confirmation that this person likes him, too.

No, no, it's not one of those fake emails from a porn site or something. I get the impression that this is an older guy, maybe late 50s or 60s. For example, here are some of the things he's written [edited for privacy reasons]:

Hi .you wonderful person .How are things with you? Did you know that I email,and get more from you then get from [his obvious ex-wife]. Well I am not suprised for we are now in our 19 th year. of not being together. Not my doing or my wish but hers. [intimate details of why they broke up in here] I never said anything to any one about this . please forgive me for saying something to you.On a happy note . I will never forget the kindness you always showed me And your Love I hope that this e-mail finds you well, and in good health.I never did hear from [person]. All My Love Forever and Always [this guy] oxoxoxoxoxox

Can you imagine? Getting a note like this and then having to respond with, "Uh, you sent this to the wrong person?" Yeah, sorry you just told a complete stranger all of this stuff you've never told anyone else before! Again! For the third time this month!

How many times do I write this guy back? Sometimes I think maybe it's best not to acknowledge the email, so that he isn't aware that he's just sent this to the wrong person, but I tried that once and just got several emails back requesting a response.


I don't know how many more times I have to do this until this poor guy gets the message that I AM NOT THE PERSON HE THINKS HE'S WRITING TO.

Maybe I'm too nice a person. Maybe I am too worried about embarrassing him, when, really, feeling embarrassed once might cause him to be a bit more careful and avoid future even worse embarrassment.


Sunday, January 04, 2009


"And when we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans--and all that lives and move upon them. He has given us all green things and everything that blossoms and bears fruit and all that we quarrel about and all that we have misused--and to save us from our foolishness, from all our sins, He came down to earth and gave us Himself."

— Sigrid Undset