London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Ok. Michael tagged me. Here's me playing along:

Four jobs I've had:
- fish cannery worker (middle of the aleutian islands)
- genetic researcher (took the rectal temperatures of drunken mice)
- computer programmer
- project manager

Four Movies I can watch over and over:
- The Holy Grail
- An Affair to Remember
- Strange Brew
- Le Diner de Cons

Four Places I've Lived:
- North Pole, Alaska
- Portland, Oregon
- Oakland, California
- London, England

Four TV shows I love (even though three of these are off the air):
- The Daily Show
- Father Ted
- League of Gentlemen
- The Young Ones

Four places I've vacationed:
- Paris
- Mazatlan
- Krakow
- Venice

Four of my favorite dishes:
- baked gnocchi with cheese
- sushi sushi sushi sushi
- guacamole on almost anything edible
- potato pancakes with sour cream

Four sites I visit (semi) daily:
- fark
- bbc news
- spamusement
- the onion (okay, so that's weekly)

Four places I would rather be:
- venice
- the Maldives
- Front-row seats at Julius C. starring Beverly Sills thirty years ago
- Marrakhesh

Four bloggers I'm tagging (I have a feeling in a year this will get really overdone, but as this is the first time I've been tagged, it's still kinda cool):
- The Trott
- Stephen
- Conan
- tack
I haven't posted in ages. I've been meaning to, but things are incredibly busy at work.

I quit my job, because I got a new one that paid 13,000/year more. Then my current job counter-offered, and I agreed to stay for six months. The deal was that if things don't improve, then I will quit at that point.

That agreement was made about three and a half months ago, and things have gotten worse rather than improved. But I've made a commitment.

So two days ago, a friend and former coworker of mine called me and asked if I would please, please, please interview for a job that pays ANOTHER 5-15,000 a year more. GAH. Ethical dilemma.

At any rate, I decided I'll interview and then if I get it I'll tell them that I have to work out the two and a half months. They've been trying to find someone for four, so if they would like me to go there, they can decide if it's worth it.

In other news, I just got back from a really lovely trip to Venice. If you go, remember to go a few blocks from whatever main square you find yourself on before choosing a restaurant, as the food will be not only cheaper but WAY better. We ended up getting pizzas constantly from this place called Pizza Crash a few blocks from San Marco Plaza. Pizza, of course, means a big crust with cheese covered in things like prosciutto, artichoke hearts, spinach, mozzarella buffalo, etc.

Weirdly enough, I kept getting mistaken for a French person. As in, people who just walked up to me and started talking assumed I was French. Very weird, as I don't look French at all.

More later.

No, realy.