London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

More Romance

So, for our anniversary, I bought Mike a bottle of 30-year-old scotch, and he bought me the Larousse Gastronomique.

Mike: So, basically, after five years, you're telling me I need to drink more, and I'm telling you you need to cook better.

Me: I would like to point out that if you drank more scotch, you wouldn't mind my cooking so much.

Side note: Hilariouslly, when Mike was looking for a copy of the L.G., a woman who worked at the first Waterstone's he went to said, "No, we don't have it. I think it's out of print." Mike said, "Oh, I guess the French are no longer cooking."
For Lanky

Lanky mentioned that he needed more Mike-isms, so here are excerpts from tonight's dinner conversation:

(NB: we went out to celebrate our 5th anniversary)

Mike: And do I make you happy?

Me: I'm happier than I ever dreamed.

Mike: Of course, that's not saying much, since most of your dreams are about going to the toilet.


Me: Well, how do you know? Maybe going to the toilet is a very pleasant experience for me.

Mike: So I make you happier than taking a big s**t?

Me: Yes.

Mike *looks very pleased*

**** later *****

Me: Yum, I'm really looking forward to that spinach. Maybe I'm anemic.

Mike: That's the only reason I can imagine for looking forward to spinach.

Me: Well, what if you were in the desert for six weeks, and you hadn't eaten in five days, and then you found a remote village...

Mike: And they grew spinach?

Me: Yes. Maybe all they had to eat was spinach.

Mike: I'd eat one of the villagers.

Friday, December 04, 2009

I love misspelled spam

Just got this one:


Welcome to Big Adult Dating Site .

Gauranteed to meet mate in your Neighbour-hood !

Get-in is Totaly-Frees .

Check it Out


Thursday, December 03, 2009

Adverts are disturbing

Mike and I are having trouble watching adverts lately. First there was the e-Harmony ads where they said, "We match you on the things that are really important," and they showed a woman with the word "Valves" written across the screen. Yeah, it was supposed to say "Values," but it definitely said "Vallves."

So now Mike and I have had dozens of conversations that boil down to:

"Do you love me?"

"Of course, dear. We have matching valves."

Someone must have pointed this out to them, because they've fixed it now. But it's too late. The damage has been done.

Now we're being subjected to Christmas advert after Christmas advert featuring the word, "sackful." Who is coming up with these adverts?