So anyway, it’s a well-documented fact that I don’t date, but I am actually going to dinner and the opera with Max, a NASA scientist. Actually, to be more specific, he’s in the SETI division.
That’s right, I’m going to the opera with Fox Mulder.
He actually questioned my existence when I was slow to respond to him one day, and I found this hilarious. A man who works for SETI was skeptical about my existence. Little green men, sure, he believes. But me? Hmph. I’d have to prove it.
Somehow, I know my mother is behind this. Technically, Max is a Jewish doctor. Granted, I don’t think when she said she wanted me to marry a Jewish doctor that an organic chemist at Little Green Men, Inc., is what she had in mind, but he does fulfill the necessary requirements.
All right, I don’t know for sure that he’s an organic chemist. I’m guessing, based on what he does, that his PhD is in either organic chemistry or evolutionary biology, and I’m leaning a bit toward organic chemistry. (Maybe that’s just wishful thinking—the two topics I’ve considered returning to school to study are mathematics and organic chemistry. I might be living vicariously through Dr. B.)
Anyway, he’s asked me to go to the opera with him next time I’m in San Francisco, which is in three weeks when I finish up this project. I’m pretty pleased with the number of projects I’ve managed to obtain. It’s flattering that so many people I’ve worked with in the past have wanted to work with me again.
I was going to type up a proper update, but it’s after midnight, I’ve been working all day, and I’m exhausted. I’ll have to save it for another day. Suffice it to say that things are better, and that I count myself lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.