It's been a few years in this garden, now, and it is finally starting to look like an actual garden. There are tulips everywhere at the moment. The flowering cherry is starting to fade, the apple trees are starting to bloom, and the lilacs, viburnum and wisteria are looking like they will be ready to go when those are finished.
I am...happy. There are seedlings in my greenhouse, and there is love in my brick house. And I am thankful.
It's been a few years in this garden, now, and it is finally starting to look like an actual garden. There are tulips everywhere at the moment. The flowering cherry is starting to fade, the apple trees are starting to bloom, and the lilacs, viburnum and wisteria are looking like they will be ready to go when those are finished.
I am...happy. There are seedlings in my greenhouse, and there is love in my brick house. And I am thankful.
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