London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Thursday, December 18, 2003


A friend of mine made a comment about puppies being cute, and I said, "I think you're just trying to get 'I like puppies and
babies' sensitive-guy points." His response:

I did not say babies! Babies would be cuter if they had snouts.
It is PUPPIES. It is puppies that I like. Also, screaming and blood.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003


Google, Elmer Fudd Interface

Excellent use of Flash

ICS Go to Eddie's page and listen to "My Bitch Santa." This man is a genius.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003


My ICS session went better than I thought it would. You can view it at: the Wig Lodge Website. I'm linking to the Web Lodge, because there are some awfully talented people in the Lodge, and you should really listen to their submissions as well.


And great fun. I conference-called in, and everyone was incredibly supportive and fun. I am unbelievably glad that I'm doing this.

I've overextended myself again, though. Things will calm down in another few days, but I think I have a fever. I keep doing this--working and not sleeping, and then eventually coming down with the flu or something.

Proof that I am not wise.

Dan, the person from University that I mentioned a few posts ago, has asked me if I'll send him a voiceover track for him to play with. I will--I think this whole thing is great fun, and sharing is always good.