So the other day, I was wandering around the office and suddenly I thought, "Hmm, I think my underwear may be creeping down."
So I did what anyone would do. I sauntered into the empty kitchen, and as the door closed behind me, I stuck one hand down each side of my trousers (hip to hip, not front and back) and HITCHED.
That is when I noticed the quiet Chinese coworker who had followed me in.
So the other day, I was wandering around the office and suddenly I thought, "Hmm, I think my underwear may be creeping down."
So I did what anyone would do. I sauntered into the empty kitchen, and as the door closed behind me, I stuck one hand down each side of my trousers (hip to hip, not front and back) and HITCHED.
That is when I noticed the quiet Chinese coworker who had followed me in.