London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


This is all very exciting. I went out to the garden today to start clearing the brambles away from this tiny pond we have out back. It's a little pond of the "water feature" variety, as opposed to the "natural small lake" variety, of course.

After pulling back the blackberries and old grass, I discovered that the little pond is surrounded by the prettiest little violets.

I heard a bit of a plopping sound, but didn't think much of it until a few minutes later, when I noticed THE FROG!

I left a bit of grass and brambles so that Mr. Frog and his friends (I think I saw someone else duck under the water) have somewhere to hide. I'll make sure I plant something non-blackberry later for him to hide in, but until then I don't want him to be too exposed.

How exciting!

Uh, I also made Mike fish out one of his dead friends, which was fairly disgusting. However, the fact remains that we have A FROG.





  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger michael said…

    most wondrous! how i love the frogs! this is a good sign, dearie. it means that the people who lived there before you did *not* use an inordinate amount of roundup to do their gardening. this means that your soil (and the water contained within) is healthy.

    roundup is the most vile of chemicals.

    i am so happy for you!



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