London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Well, I finally got out and took some photographs. It's definitely autumn, and the garden is looking kind of sparse and dry. But I'm happy--it's slowly but surely getting there. Ignore the little signs of ongoing work--the trug full of peonies here, the bag of bark chips there. For here, at last, are photos of my garden:

First, we have the photo of the view from the back patio. You can see the new arch/trellis/arbor thingy, which is a bit tall looking, but I think it will be all right. Note that it was cold and wet, and I could not for the life of me get the lens to stop fogging up:

I've cleared away some of the more vigorous growth around the pond, but left some to the back so that the frogs have some place to hide and play.

Putting the light next to the pond was Mike's idea. He figures, well, it attracts bugs, and what do frogs like better?! Good point. Yes, those are carnivorous pitcher plants you see there. They are hardy enough for this area, which is cool.

You know what I said about buttloads of apples? Here are the two trees, so you can see for yourself.

If that isn't a metric buttload, I don't know what is.

And lastly, here are four different views of the arbor. You can see the wisteria I trained all around it. I think it looks pretty already, and am really excited to see it when it blooms, and as it grows.


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