London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I don't talk a whole lot about work here, mostly because I just really, really don't think it's a good idea to post about your job in a public place. I don't think anyone I work with would ever actually find this, but, come on, it's just not a good idea.

Don't get me wrong--I really like my job. I work from home often, which means I can get a lot more done. And the people I work for are really nice people, so I want to do a good job for them.

Another perq to the job is that it is a horticultural firm. Which means that I very often get to take plants home from work. I jokingly call this "stealing," but it's actually condoned. Mostly it's stuff that would just get thrown away otherwise--for example, there may be some poinsettias that were ordered as samples or on which they are performing temperature trials, and then when they are done photographing, examining, or trialling, then if anyone wants one, they can take it. Or if it's the end of the season and nobody is buying petunias anymore, and there are some left over, we can take them.

Often it will be stuff that isn't in saleable condition. When you walk into a store, you want to see pretty-looking plants. If the pansies are looking a little bit scruffy, all they really need is to be stuck into the ground, fed, and watered, and they'll be fine. But we can't send out scruffy-looking stuff, so that might also be up for the taking.

At any rate, MOST of the things in my garden (and the plants in my home) are things I actually purchased at some point, or grew from seed. But there are quite a few that I stole from work, and I feel really fortunate.

The wisteria growing on the arbor, for example. Stolen! I have two tubs with pilfered cyclamen in them, and some annual impatiens--both traditional and New Guinea. There are some mums here and there, a couple of astilbe and penstemon, and a couple of violas.

Oh, and one or two fuschias.

I have a terrible (and well-deserved) reputation at work for always wanting to pilfer. You know the guy who's always first on hand when there's a doughnut or a cake going? I can take or leave the cakes, but I'm that guy when it comes to plants. It's funny because one of my coworkers one day asked me if I was this bad at my other jobs, but, come on, it's just plants. I'm like an alcoholic working in a Guinness factory. Moving into a new place with a completely empty garden didn't exactly help! I doubt I'll be quite as greedy next year now that things are filling out a bit more. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Ah, well. There could be worse addictions.


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