London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Monday, March 19, 2007


As I mentioned, only one set of neighbors are evil. The family on the other side is really lovely.

Shortly after I put up the giant pinwheels, the nice woman from next door commented on them and said that her children loved them. I said, "Well, you know, I just thought it's nice to have something cheery in the yard."

So yesterday we had a housewarming party. This went on until midnight, and there was a lot of Irish dancing and English Karaoke. I invited the nice neighbors over, and they came by for a little while, so we had a chance to really talk to them finally.

They asked how we liked the neighborhood, and I said it was really nice, etc., etc. Obviously, I didn't want to try to drag someone else into my problems with others, and on top of that, well, I have no way of knowing if people who don't live directly next to Angela would have any problems with her.

After a few more questions, they said, "So...what do you think of Mad Angela?"


We then talked for ages. I guess Angela is absolutely notorious in the neighborhood. The neighbors two doors down used to own a pub, and they have two rottweilers that used to be guard dogs. They keep them in the back, in a well-secured area, and they have a nice dog house and everything. Well, Angela is not convinced. (Angela, who is three doors down from them and really shouldn't care what they do in their back yard.) She keeps going up other people's driveways to peer into these poor people's back yard to see what the dogs are up to, and if she disagrees with anything that is going on, she will knock on doors, etc.

When the guy who used to live in our house was remodeling, she'd wait until he left for the day, and then she'd walk in and talk to the builders, asking them what they were doing, and giving her opinions (!).

I guess when we put the pinwheels out in the garden, the husband saw them (I don't want to post their names on the off-chance that Angela found this), and went running to his wife and said, "Oh, you have GOT to see what the neighbors have put in their back garden! You'll love it! It's right next to the fence, too--Angela must be having fits!"

They have been nearly wetting themselves laughing about it ever since. They figured it must have been deliberate, but, of course, I wasn't saying anything because I was being too polite.

We had a really, really good laugh. They said that they were worried that we might think that they were friends with her.

It made me feel so much better.


  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger michael said…

    oh, good. no there's someone to talk with about this whole mess.


    i love the pinwheels, though...



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