London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well, I appear to have too many bluebells. It's so completely not my fault. This sort of thing could happen to anyone.

I was home sick. So, I did what anyone would do who was sick of trying to get through daytime television. I went onto ebay.

As it turns out, there was a very nice woman who was selling 100 bluebells in the green on ebay. Now, I have two apple trees in the back garden, under which there are some wild violets and naturalised chives growing. So I decided a while back I'd keep it fairly "wildflower garden" looking, and keep the violets and chives, and just fill in the rest with nice, traditional wildflower looking things. My main ideas were bluebells, oriental poppies, and possibly some allium cernuum (nodding onions).

100 bluebells sounded like just the trick.

So I placed a bid. I was immediately outbid, and I thought, well, fine. She's also selling 25 bluebells (for an equally EXTREMELY REASONABLE price), so I'll put in a bid for those.


Auctions all end, I have won the auction for the 25 bluebells. Then I get a note from the woman saying that she does have an extra 100, which she would be happy to sell me for the amount I bid on the original 100.

I thought, well, 125 bluebells, not so bad, if I have any extra, I'll just give them to people at work, since they are nice and lovely and have given me many freebie plants.

So I paypalled the money over to her, and was patiently awaiting the delivery of my bluebells.

This morning, I received an email from her, which contained the following:

"When buyers buy multiple items, I usually reduce the postage cost, but because of your appreciated immediate payment, I did not have time to send a combined postage invoice, therefore I have added an extra 30 bulbs free of charge!"


That makes it a grand total of 155 bluebells.

I would like to point out that these things are not going into the ground themselves.

I may have to give some plants away.


  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Noe said…

    Having grown up in Texas, home of Blue Bell ice cream, reading your post just made me hungry. Is it bad that I relate *everything* to ice cream?

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger Simone said…

    On the contrary, this is one of the things that makes you a person worth knowing!


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