London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Monday, March 26, 2007


So, yesterday we went and picked up the ferrets. They are, in fact, adorable. Their names are Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates (pronounced "So Crates"), and they are extremely friendly and playful. We got them from an adoption centre, and were really only after two, but these three have been together since birth, and we obviously didn't want to separate them.

Mike, who was trying to pretend he doesn't like small animals, was completely enchanted, of course, and has decided that the bunnies clearly are MY pets, while the ferrets clearly are HIS.

We put camping chairs out in the greenhouse (where we are keeping them) so that we could sit and visit with them. Aristotle was absolutely CONVINCED that ferrets like coffee, and spent considerable time attempting to drink out of Mike's coffee cup.

They're just so cute. I'm used to animals hiding for the first several days when you pick them up from an adoption centre, but even in the carrier on the way home, these three were vying for pole position to see out of the front of the carrier to look around, see where we were going, and if there was anything to play with there. The minute they were let out of the carrier, they were climbing in, over, and around everything. They're not the least disturbed about being picked up--they just see it as an opportunity to see if there is anything to play with up higher. There are few things more amusing than watching a ferret climbing on top of Mike's head.

I will obviously have to get photos as soon as possible.


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