London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I've decided to start writing this again, for the simple fact that I am no longer going slowly insane.

It was really tough there for a while--pretty much everyone I encountered was either psychotic or just nasty, and it was a bit like waking up in a parallel universe in which all of this was somehow the norm. Reading some of my old blog entries, it's obvious just how much I was trying to convince myself that everything was all right.

At any rate, now it is.

Brief summary of the last two years: had labyrinthitis for about six months (doctor actually thought I probably had a brain tumor), heavy drugs. Got better. Slipped a disc, couldn't walk for another nine months or so, had to go to an orthopedist and osteotherapist, six months of rehab with a physiotherapist, and now I'm almost back to normal.

Have some very good friends on both sides of the ocean now, and a pet bunny named Dave. The job is fine--just as annoying as every job has always been since the beginning of time.
Have an American roommate, an English boyfriend, and a British car. Recently took a Polish holiday.

End of summary.


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