London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Thursday, December 12, 2002


Well, the interview went really well, and the upshot of it all is that they would like to hire me as a Project Manager, but can't really afford to do that right at the moment because they don't have enough work for a full-time project manager. So they phoned my recruitment agency and asked if I would be willing to work as a contractor doing development for a while, until they were more in a position to give me project management work. I said yes, so they are going to work out a contract tomorrow.

Obviously, since nothing has been signed, I don't have anything for sure, but in the words of the famous Magic 8 Ball, "signs point to yes."

I really liked these guys, so I'm happy about this.

The bus that stops about a block from my house also stops literally in front of the office. Unfortunately, it has also been determined to be The Worst Bus in London--I'm dead serious about this. They just did a report on the most unreliable bus service in the city, and this bus was the #1 on the list of least reliable. Which is funny.

Anyway, it's in a very dangerous neighborhood, in the sense that there are no fewer than five shoe stores within walking distance. I am going to be hard-pressed to pay rent.

I don't know what's going to happen here, but I will keep you posted. I mean, after all, they *did* ask if I would be amenable to this, so I that's got to be a good sign, don't you think?


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