London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Madonna Has Given Me The Gay

I read this hilarious article yesterday in the Daily Mail (hey, it was in the room where I was waiting for my pizza) about this "disturbing" trend for middle-class girls to kiss one another. They blamed Madonna and Britney and other famous celebrity girl-on-girl kisses for promoting this trend:

I have to be honest here, I don't really see what the problem is with this. So what if girls are kissing other girls?

It's like I can see all of these middle-class mums wringing their hands anxiously and saying, "What shall I do? What shall I do? Madonna's given my daughter the gay."

Listen. Here's the deal. If your daughter isn't gay, all of the girl-kissing in the world isn't going to turn her gay, and if she is gay, well, she's gay, and you're going to have to get used to a whole lot of girl-kissing in your future.

This girl-on-girl kissing is being done because boys think it's hot. If a girl is doing something because the boys think it's hot, uh, it's not gay.

The only people I can see who might have a valid point for getting angry about this are lesbians. I can't quite articulate why, but it does seem that if you like girls, you might understandably get upset about girl-girl smooching being done for the pleasure of non-girls. Something to do with the challenging the legitimacy of a girl-girl relationship or at least inviting boy opinion about it.

Hilariously, the article says it has "sparked" a "new" acronym--LUG, or Lesbian Until Graduation.

Uh, that was an acronym when *I* was at University, TWENTY YEARS AGO. And even then I was reading stories about girls of my mother's generation who practiced kissing on each other so that they would be good at it by the time they kissed a boy.

Really, this article is hilarious in its homophobic outrage.

Although I've never really talked to most of my girlfriends about the topic, I seriously, seriously doubt that more than a handful of them have never kissed another girl.

Don't tell anyone, but some of them I suspect may actually BE GAY.

I wonder if they caught it from Madonna?


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