London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


The poor bunnies. I don't know whether I've mentioned the bunnies Dave and Papa Lazarou before, but I have two very cheeky house bunnies, and those are their names. They're fairly well housetrained, in the sense that they only poo where they're supposed to, but like to chew on things, so I can't really call them FULLY housetrained.

So the weather is starting to warm up, and on sunny days, I think, oh, the bunnies would LOVE to go outside today! and I put them out in the garden in this rabbit run that we made for them out of wood and chicken wire. I put them out, and they sit there looking traumatised, like, "What did we do? We promise to be good bunnies from now on, really!"

It's like one of those godawful trips that your parents plan for you when you're kids, and they insist that it's going to be great fun and you'll have SUCH a good time, but the trip goes on with Mom talking in her Very Bright and Enthusiastically Encouraging voice all afternoon until sometime around dinner time she breaks and starts yelling at everyone about how they could at least TRY for GOD'S SAKE. Only in this case, I'm Mom and the rabbit run is the world's crappiest Winnebago sitting in the Florida that is my yard which doesn't even have a BEACH let alone a FUN FAIR.


  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger michael said…

    Myabe you could try installing a bunny merry-go-round. Or a bunny roller coaster. Or a bunny haunted house - what would that look like? Deranged and rotting carrots taunt you from every corner! Farmer John with the shovel runs after you - but there's no escape! A peaceful suburban kitchen scene - but what's that boiling in the pot on the stove? It's your COUSIN!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!



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