London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Friday, December 05, 2003


Glen has just informed me that his favorite number is 13,021. Why? Because in hexadecimal, that's 32DD.

I almost killed a coworker today. She's been asking me for four days to do something with her, and each day she's backed out for lack of time.

So today, she called me at 12:15 and asked if we could do it "now." I asked if we could do it after lunch, and she said, "No, no, this is the only time I have!" so I agreed.

She came over to my desk, and started looking at images. Everything was "crap". This is how these things always go with her--all images are crap, but then when you ask her to choose one, she won't.

Less than five minutes after arriving at my desk, she answered her mobile phone. Fifteen minutes later, she was still on the phone, and only paused once, when I cut-and-pasted an image, to say, "Oh, NO! Don't use that one, it's crap!"

After another five minutes or so, I said in an unamused voice that I thought it would be a good idea if she hung up the phone and started actually working with me. She got upset, of course, because she thought I was being snappy. I was.

I don't mind skipping my lunch because someone needs me to work. I do mind skipping lunch so that someone can talk on her mobile next to me.

Then started the 45 minutes of explaining to her that no, you can't just use a copyrighted image to send to all of your corporate clients. She ended up taking something off of the LIFE magazine classic photos page--the one with all of the warnings about use of the images being prohibited by law. If she gets fined, I am *so* not going to get involved in the defense.

We finished at 2:30.


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