London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Friday, November 15, 2002


I guess I haven't mentioned it specifically here, but I've been back in London for about a week now. And today I have been looking at job sites for long enough that I actually feel dizzy.

My housemate is just as insane as ever. It's funny how self-centered he is. It's little things, like...well, like the heating system. He has the heater set to go on a half-hour before he gets home, and to go off right as he leaves in the morning. It doesn't matter whether or not anyone else is in the house. He has even given me advice on how to keep warm in the house with the heater off. Go upstairs. Wear a sweater.

Oh, the Internet cafe is about to log me off. More later.


  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger tpkyteroo said…

    It appears that the synagogue you went to follows the 1940's reform Judaism standards instead of Sephardic version of reform Judaism. I think that you would have found a "little" less culture shock at a Conservative Messianic Synanogue only because they tend to use the more familiar tunes. They also use transliteration almost as a rule and chant/sing at a slower pace. Personally, I prefer an Orthodox Chanting with Conservative Messianic take on Judaic Living, but the traditional kosher kitchen, with more liberal rules of what constitutes 'work'. :D I don't believe that riding a train is in violation of Shabbat. I also don't think that writing is work. If you are writing a proposal for your job, then thats work.

  • At 2:55 AM, Blogger Simone said…

    Hi, thanks for your comment!

    Sounds like we have fairly similar takes on things. I don't keep kosher mainly because I was raised not keeping kosher, and I don't know if I could really give up everything I would need to give up permanently.

    I wouldn't want to say I'm keeping kosher and then fall off the wagon every now and then.

    I feel at this point it's more something you do out of respect than anything else, so I keep kosher on holy days.

    Although I do feel sorry sometimes for people who won't, say, turn up the heat on the Sabbath because of it being "work," I also think that people follow their own hearts and their own understanding, and that G*d honors that.

    I sometimes think that we're like the child who tramps through your flower bed breaking everything to bring you the pretty flower he saw there. You have to focus on the love behind it and try not to look at the broken stems!

  • At 4:16 PM, Blogger tpkyteroo said…

    I agree with everything you've said. For me to keep kosher, would really be pathetically easy if I wasn't living with my sister, as I'm allergic to meat, poultry and anything not kosher, including shellfish. I couldn't mix meat and dairy if I tried. LOL I can't have Alfredo sauce made with eggs either. Did you know that the egg protein mixes with the dairy protein to make it harder to digest? This is a theory that one scientist on some TV show has. I would agree, as my reaction felt just like that was what was happening when I ate it. LOL I have so many food allergies, I'm too tired of reading the ingrediants list to see if a K or a U exist. :D They routinely change their recipe without notifying the consumer. I'd really just have to get the Rabbi involved and replace all my plastics. LOL
    Good Shabbos, two days early! I have to get back to working on my Global Writers Club site. I'm trying to get it ready for the public in late March, early April.


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