London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Monday, July 02, 2007


I haven't posted much lately, mostly because I've just been really busy, both at work and away from work. We drove up to see Alnwick Castle, which is where they filmed the Hogwards scenes in the Harry Potter movies. It's pronounced An-ick. I have no idea why. We also took a boat to the Farne? Islands, and looked at all of the puffins and seals and things, and it was great fun, even though I was very seasick.

Out in the gardens, the tiny baby frogs are appearing everywhere. They are smaller than my thumbnail, and absolutely adorable. I haven't had a chance to photograph them, either.

I did take a photo of the homing/racing pigeon that just arrived one day at work for no apparent reason. I was calling him Rodney, because the phone number on his tag indicated that he was from Peckham. There was an old show here called Only Fools and Horses, which was set in Peckham and had a character named Rodney. This is one of those classic shows that is part of the kind of heritage, if that makes sense.

At any rate, my back is doing a bit better, because I've been going to the gym to try to strengthen it. I had the Anaesthetist from Hell at the hospital recently--I was prescribed a series of basically spinal taps to see if this would help my back. When I got to the hospital, this anaesthetist said she couldn't access my MRIs, but she was sure that I didn't actually have two slipped disks (oh, I guess the two spinal specialist Orthopedic Surgeons were just having off days) but instead had a bit of inflammation in one of my hip joints.

So she decided to give me an injection into my left sacroiliac joint. However, she neglected to wait until the local anaesthetic kicked in first, so I basically had a needle shoved into my joint without any painkillers, and I started going into shock from the pain, so they had to stop the procedure and feed my oxygen.

I've arranged for the rest of the procedures to be done at a different hospital.

Hmmm...what else...oh, we were in a bit of a fender-bender on the way back from the castle, and our car has been totalled, so we're in the process of trying to get that sorted out. And next weekend is the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, which I have convinced the lovely boyfriend to accompany me to.

It's been raining almost constantly, so I haven't been able to work much in the garden, and it is starting to resemble a jungle. I am hoping for tree frogs.


Yesterday, we had two conversations that went something like this:

Conversation One
Him: "Hello, honey bunch."

Me: "Hello, bunny hunch. Bunny hunch....hmmm...I think there might be carrots."

Him: *poke poke poke*

Conversation Two
Background: I had just returned from the store, where I had purchased a three-pack of DVDs for £5.99. As it turned out, two of these movies were, shall we say, not very good.

Him: Why did you buy these DVDs? These are crap!

Me: But they were on sale! Three in a pack for £5.99! That's like £2 per movie!

Him: But you could have gotten the one decent movie in the pack for £4. So you admit that you just spent £2 on crap. I tell you what. Next time, come home, give me the two quid and I'll take a big poo in your hands, and we'll save ourselves two hours.

So as you can see, I am still persecuted in my own home.

I suppose that's about all of the news for now. I am stressed about the amount of work I have to do, so I guess I'd best get back to it.


  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger michael said…

    oh, honey!

    I am so sorry to hear about the "needle in the back" procedure - that sounds terrible!

    Love from California



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