London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


So this morning on the way into work, they stopped the tube and had the police search it. Excitement! I think there should be some kind of a website, called "" or something, where one can just go and check these things out. Because you don't just want to stop the police and say, "Excuse me, but why are you searching my train?" and yet you really want to know.

I think this would be terrifically useful.

Think of all of the times you find yourself thinking, "I wonder what was going on in Trafalgar Square this morning? There were a zillion people."

I'm telling you, this is a service we all need.

In other exciting (not to mention "butch") news, I searched until I found a place that not only sells my shampoo in this country, but will mail it to you! Furthermore, I ordered it online yesterday, and it was on my desk this morning when I came in!

I am ecstatic. It took me ten years to find this stuff in the US, and my experience thus far is that there's nothing remotely like it in the UK. I was looking yesterday, thinking that I'd have to call some company in the US and bribe them to mail it overseas.


So butch.

Anyway, I'm super-busy at the moment. When I'm not at my normal job, I'm spending almost every waking moment doing some contract work, adding sounds to some animations for a friend.

The only reason it's not *every* waking moment is that this is just naturally an awfully busy time of year anyway, and I would be exhausting myself doing stuff regardless.

Saturday night, I went to the office Christmas party until the wee hours. One of my coworkers was verrrry drunk (well, they all were), of the "very sincere when drunk" variety, and said the following:

"I'd like you to meet my wife. She's not just my wife, she's my soul mate. No, no, I mean that. Without her, I am nothing. I mean nnnnnnothing."

He then introduced me to her, saying, "She's the most intellectual woman I've ever met."

Just call me Einstein.

Then, on Sunday night, I went to Brighton (it's on the Channel) to see Eddie Izzard. Fabulous! Started out really slow, though, and not as good as prior stuff, but still.

I met up with friends down there, and a good time was had by all. I am, however, exhausted.

On the way to the show, the cab driver who was taking me from the train station asked me what I was doing in town, and when I told him I was there to see Eddie Izzard, he said, "Oh." In that dripping voice, that clearly says, "feggit" without actually saying the word.

Last night, however, I finally got some sleep, and I'm feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning, and generally in love with the world. I have so much to look forward to! Music this weekend!

Oh dear. "She had so much to look forward to" is what they always say about people who have just died. I hope I haven't just cursed myself.

Travin contacted me last night.


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