London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Monday, December 30, 2002


So...the British things that amuse me today:

Firstly, there are advertisements for "The World's Greatest Air Guitar Album--II". Does this strike anyone else as funny? And they say that irony is lost on Americans.

Secondly, the sportscasters are terribly excited about the fact that the English cricket team has done so well. I mean, yes, they still lost, but they didn't lose by so great a *margin* this time!

They actually said that on the news. I'm serious.

Incidentally, every so often I get irritated by all of the American-bashing. I think it's the most irritating when it comes from Canadians, who, let's face it, benefit just a tad from being the neighbor of the U.S. I mean, I'm as "anti-American" as the next person when it comes to being disgusted with our lack of international relations, and no, I didn't and wouldn't vote for Bush, because I think he's an idiot. I think the consumerism is appalling, etc. etc. etc. But not *every* person in the U.S. is an uneducated, fag-bashing yokel. And yes, I would agree that it is horrible to see a Gap going up in an historical landmark in France, but, uh, there appear to be actual French people purchasing things in the store, and I don't tar the entire country with the same brush because of them.

Honestly, none of this comes from my friends.

I guess the latest was this woman going through this book on the train, and scoffing loudly because someone used the term "British" instead of "English" in a sentence. And I thought, you know, I'd put ten bucks on the fact that she probably says "America" when she means "U.S." all of the time. And yes, there are people who live in the Western hemisphere who get uptight about that, too.

I went to dinner with some friends the other night, actually, and had a really good time. When I first got here, I ended up meeting a lot of people who really care about little more than who has the most star-power, and who gets invited to the coolest parties. It gave me a pretty skewed view of the residents of this city, and it's been nice to spend more time with others now. I'm developing much more of a life.

I think that in the next couple of days, I might type up a couple of essays or something and post them, because I've been nothing but a bundle of gloom since I started this blog, and it's getting tiresome.


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