London Ho!

Take that any way you wish.

Saturday, April 05, 2003


I've been terrible about updating this. I admit it.

I've had some kind of strep throat or flu or something, combined with conjunctivitis, for about two weeks now. I think what happened is that the patches I put behind my ear for motion sickness--the ones that make my skin semi-permeable to let medication in--also let in all kinds of bacteria and viruses, and now I'm sick.

There are disgusting things that nobody wants to admit to. For example, when an American comes to London, one of the first things he or she notices is that when you get home at night, you blow your nose, and black goo comes out of it. I mention this to new visitors after their first few days, and they say, "Oh, man, I've been noticing that, but I didn't want to tell anyone!"

This just means that I have no class whatsoever. Yes, I know. But still.

Anyway, I am absolutely certain that I am not the only one who is strangely fascinated by conjunctivitis. You wake up in the morning with your eyes glued shut by It's gross. And yet I am fascinated by the quantity and consistency.

So I've been too ill to want to do much other than sit around feeling awful, and that's pretty much what my non-work activities have been confined to. I managed to go to work for half the week, but I did take two and a half days off. I'm not sure what's wrong with my throat, other than the fact that it's sore and I can't swallow. I figure that if it's not strep, it will clear up in a few days. If it is strep, well, untreated strep throat eventually turns into scarlet fever, which should at least be entertaining.

I have a new friend, Deborah, who is actually a client. But she is trying to convince me to go out with her and her friend Sparkle this weekend, and I am definitely considering it. Of course, at the moment I'm really ill, but the idea of meeting someone named Sparkle--a BOY named Sparkle, I might add--is pretty much something that will drag me from my sick bed.

It appears that I might end up going with her and Sparkle and my friend Andy (who started out as my recruiter, but really, he's far more of a friend now) to do scary-oke at a sushi bar next week.

I have a second interview for a job next week, which means of course that my current contract job is thinking about hiring me as a permanent employee. I've also been approached by the BBC about interviewing again, and one way or another that should be entertaining.

Oh, and this week I discovered just how many of my friends I *didn't* tell about the guy who masturbated in my car. How is this possible? It struck me as really odd.

The funny thing is that most people seem to find it much more traumatising than I did. I just thought it was bizarre.

All righty, I'm going to stop writing now.

Oh, by the way, I turned 35 on Sunday. Spent the day too sick to get out of bed.

The life of the single girl!


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